Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM)

Building on the demonstrated economic, reliability, and environmental benefits of the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM), the California ISO’s EDAM will optimize the use of existing transmission and resources in the much larger day-ahead timeframe across an expanded Western footprint.

EDAM will open the door to significantly improved economic benefits through the commitment of least-cost generation across the market’s broad geographic footprint and enable improved situational awareness across balancing authority areas, enhance reliability, and lower greenhouse gas emissions.


Read the EDAM – Frequently Asked Questions.

View the Extended Day-Ahead Market overview video.

View the EDAM Participation Structure Overview training course.

Read the EDAM fact sheet.

View the Aug. 30, 2023 EDAM Forum recording.

Read the news release about federal regulators accepting changes to the ISO’s tariff allowing EDAM to move forward.

View comments from energy leaders across the West about the EDAM’s progress.

Follow and participate in the EDAM Policy Initiative.


LADWPplanned entry 2027

Balancing Authority of Northern Californiaplanned entry 2027

PacifiCorpplanned entry 2026

Portland General Electricplanned entry 2026

Entities leaning towards EDAM

Idaho PowerAnnounced a leaning towards EDAM as its preferred day-ahead market (March 2024)

NV Energy Signaled its intention to join EDAM in an IRP filing (June 2024)

BHE Montana Announced its intention to join EDAM following WEIM onboarding (August 2024)

PNMAnnounced its intention to join EDAM (November 2024)

Implementation documents

Contact us

ISO staff is here to assist you. If you need additional information on participating in EDAM, please contact:


Adam Schultz
