As a next step to the Energy Imbalance Market (EIM) Governance Review, the California ISO has posted a straw proposal for the formation of an EIM Governance Review Committee (GRC) and a draft Governance Review Committee Charter. The ISO will hold a stakeholder call on April 10, 2019 to discuss the straw proposal and draft charter, which is available on the western EIM website at
The scope of this initiative is to develop a new interim stakeholder committee whose role would be to focus on facilitating the ongoing EIM Governance Review. The proposed GRC would have the responsibility to develop, through the public stakeholder process, a proposal regarding potential revisions to the current EIM governance for consideration by the EIM Governing Body and the ISO Board of Governors.
Please submit written comments on the straw proposal and draft charter to by close of business April 29, 2019.
The call will be recorded and the video file posted on the webpage referenced above for a limited time. The recording is for informational and convenience purposes only, and any related transcriptions should not be reprinted without prior consent from the ISO.
Meeting Details
Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Time: 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. PDT
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Participation Information
Step 1: call 1-877-369-5230, access code: 0156270##
Step 2: join web conference
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